

The Investigation Pathway is devoted to fellows pursuing careers in basic, translational, clinical, or epidemiologic research. Trainees are expected to produce original data and prepare for a career as an independent, NIH-funded investigator. Fellows on this Pathway complete four years of training. Additional protected time is often necessary, and there is an opportunity for two years of additional funding as junior faculty for those trainees making substantial progress toward independent funding.


MGH and BIDMC are national leaders in investigation. Together, their research budgets total more than $1 billion, supporting more than 2,000 principal investigators and nearly 2,000 clinical trials. In addition, we enjoy close affiliation and established collaborations with our colleagues at Harvard Medical School and associated research institutes, including the Broad Institute, the Ragon Institute and Harvard School of Public Health.


To navigate mentor selection, our fellows are carefully assisted in identifying the mentor(s) who will best prepare them for a career as an independent physician scientist. As part of this process, fellows are encouraged to explore the unparalleled number of research opportunities available to them throughout all of MGH, BIDMC and Harvard Medical School and mentors both within and outside of the pulmonary and critical care departments are encouraged.


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