Eric Schmidt, MD
Division Chief, Pulmonary at MGH
Associate Professor of Medicine
Academic Interests
Our laboratory pursues "bedside-to-bench" investigations of the mechanisms underlying multisystem organ failure during sepsis, with specific attention to the roles of the endothelial and epithelial glycocalyces.
Awards and Recognition
Andrew M. Tager, MD Endowed Chair of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (2024)
American Society for Clinical Investigation (2023)
Fellow of the American Thoracic Society, American Thoracic Society (2019)
Associate Editor, AJP-Lung, American Physiological Society (2019)
Permanent Member, Surgery Anesthesiology and Trauma Study Section (2019)
American Thoracic Society Pulmonary Circulation Assembly Early Career Research Achievement Award, American Thoracic Society (2015)
Giles F. Filley Memorial Award for Excellence in Respiratory Physiology and Medicine, American Physiological Society (2013)
Outstanding Early Career Scholar Award, University of Colorado Department of Medicine (2013)
More information can be found on Dr. Schmidt’s Harvard Catalyst Profile.
+Current Projects
Our laboratory uses human studies, focused preclinical models, and a large network of translational collaborators to pursue the following:
- Investigating the mechanisms by which patient factors (i.e., age, sex, gender) and provider treatment decisions (i.e., fluid resuscitation strategies) shape endothelial glycocalyx injury during sepsis.
- Understanding the mechanisms by which sex and gender influence epithelial glycocalyx degradation during lung injury in humans, and the impact of this degradation on alveolar surfactant dysfunction.
- Understanding the glycobiological underpinnings of secondary bacterial pneumonia after viral infection.
- Determining how the ultrastructure of the endothelial glycocalyx regulates homeostatic coagulation.